A Division of
Short Run Printing, Ltd.
8:30AM - 4:30PM M-Thur
8:30AM - 2:00PM Fri
Current Time: 10:19AM
P: 855.629.5162

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Be Another Satisfied Customer!
"I received the cookbooks today and they are gorgeous! Thank you so much for all of you and your family's help getting this together and printed! You all have great customer service, and I look forward to working with you in the future! Thank you for getting them printed and out to me so quickly. Despite changes, and three versions, they landed on my doorstep exactly when promised, right on time to bring some smiles to Moms and Grandmas for Mother's Day! "
Lisa Herr
Field Station Cooperative Pre-School
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Short Run Printing, Ltd. PDF Export Profile.
While there are a number of ways to export a vaild PDF file for printing, we have found the Export Profile below to be very stable.

Link to JobOptions File. (Right Click -> Save As)

There are two ways to install the ShortRunPrintingLTD.joboptions file. To do so, complete one of the following:
  • First Installation Option: Adobe® InDesign® CS3, CS4, CS5
    1. Save ShortRunPrintingLTD.joboptions File to your Desktop
    2. Open InDesign CS3/4
    3. Select File > Adobe PDF Presets > Define
    4. Click the "Load" Button on the right hand side (Approximately half way down)
    5. Browse to and select ShortRunPrintingLTD.joboptions from your desktop
    6. Click the "Open" Button in the bottom right corner of the window.
    7. You should now see an option for "ShortRunPrintingLTD" in the "Presets:" list
    8. Click the "Done" Button in the upper right corner of the window titled "Adobe PDF Presets"
  • Second Installation Option: Adobe® Acrobat® Distiller
    1. Save ShortRunPrintingLTD.joboptions to Desktop
    2. Open Adobe® Acrobat Distiller (NOT Acrobat)
    3. Click on "Settings" Menu
    4. Click on "Add Adobe® PDF Settings"
    5. Browse to ShortRunPrintingLTD.joboptions and click "Open"
    6. Place ShortRunPrintingLTD.joboptions (From your Desktop) in Trash.
The Export Profile has now been installed in Adobe Acrobat on your system. Please use this export profile for creating all PDF files for printing at

We hope you find this tool useful.